Empirically-based, forward-looking global asset allocation research
Our quarterly asset allocation research supports your in-house analysis with valuable, independent insights that empower your investment process.
What value can we add to your asset allocation research?
Our quarterly asset allocation research will help you make better-informed investment decisions with a range of analysis powered by the EV Asset Model, including:
Support and guidance with your portfolio construction process
Be confident your investment solutions deliver value to you and your clients
Remove any gaps in your investment proposition based on the risk profile
Improve client communication with realistic risk and return assumptions
External validation/benchmarking of internal forecasting models
Keep pace with the latest market movements to avoid market drift
Stress and scenario testing at a click of a button, covering multiple asset allocation scenarios and economic scenarios
Enhance the value of your asset allocation process
What insights does the research deliver?
The quarterly asset allocation research pack offers a range of financial market insights, including:
Reliable, independent oversight and model-driven Capital Market Assumptions (CMAs)
Forecasts for a broad range of economic indicators and investment markets
High-level, risk-targeted Strategic Asset Allocations (SAAs)
Unique market perspectives, commentary and insights
EV Interactive Asset Allocator
An exciting development is our Interactive Asset Allocator Tool which gives the user the ability to quickly update the view on risk, return and efficiency of a particular set of asset allocations for both accumulation and decumulation (growth and income).

EV Asset Model
The EV Asset Model is a state-space asset model of markets and economies that describes how possibly hidden, or indirectly observed states of the economy evolve in probabilistic terms.
Underlying all asset class and economic forecasts is an interest rate model capable of handling the range of historical rates and the current low rate environment with high accuracy.