Financial calculations your customers can access anytime, anywhere.
How does it work?
Our APIs serve up specific functions of our calculation engine so your team can design the state-of-the-art solution your customers need.
- Drop our APIs into your own service or product
- Estimate the probability of a thousand scenarios and return financial clarity
- Combine our APIs any way you choose and build out your unique vision
A word from our developers.
Call upon over a decade of data and development
"Our asset model results from nearly 15 years of iteration, formed after our mathematical and financial experts first helped the FSA, now the FCA, introduce stochastic modelling for regulated products in 1999."
Predict probability, not just binary outcomes
"...Because our calculation engine can create stochastic forecasts, as well as deterministic, you can calculate probability – e.g. the likelihood of a financial plan’s success – giving you more nuanced financial insight."
Select the API tools you want and create what your customers need
Holistic planning
Help your customers consider all aspects of their financial circumstances – and identify the actions they can take to get the future they want.
With these APIs, your users can:
- Forecast the cash flow of asset values and incomes over a 75 year timeframe.
- Stress test plans and predict their probability of success.
- Calculate the date at which an event can first occur, e.g. paying off a mortgage.
- Calculate the contributions needed for a plan to be successful.
Our holistic financial planning APIs include:
- Cashflow Forecast.
- Stress test.
- Cashflow date solver
- Cashflow contribution solver.
Retirement APIs
Address your customers’ concerns about their future retirement, what they can afford in the meantime, and what actions they can take to get the lifestyle they want.
With these APIs, your users will be able to:
- See how a lump sum will convert into an annuity at retirement.
- Forecast drawdown and at what age at the first shortfall occurs.
- Forecast the impact of drawdown on income, tax, lump sum and pension pot remaining each year.
- Calculate the life expectancy of a person and their partner.
- Calculate employer contribution percentage.
- Determine if an investor would be better off saving into a LISA or a pension.
- Forecast how assets will translate to tax, lump sum and pension pot each year of retirement.
Our retirement APIs include:
- Annuity Forecast
- Drawdown Age
- Drawdown Forecast
- Life Expectancy
- LISA VS Pension
- Pension Lump Sum Forecast
- Scheme Contribution
To help calculations, our State Benefit Age API can return the integer age at which a state benefit will be paid. Also, our Budget Planner API can return the retirement expenses for the PLSA retirement living standards and the ONS retirement data.
Investment APIs
Get the best possible understanding of investment options by running a strategy through 10,000 possible scenarios, which are updated monthly. Calculations can be based on multiple funds/portfolios and a variety of charging structures.
With these APIs, your users can:
- Compare a projection for cash with a chosen investment strategy.
- See what percentage of possible scenarios have a higher expected return than a chosen target.
- See what regular contributions are needed to hit a target amount at a given term.
Our investment APIs include:
- Chance of Beating Cash
- Chance of Beating Target
- Chance of Capital Loss
- Investment Backsolve Regular Contribution
Risk APIs
Give investors direct access to information and calculations that can help to profile their funds and portfolios.
With these APIs, your users will be able to:
- Return the underlying asset class composition for a selected fund or portfolio.
- Return the configured risk benchmarks for a chosen benchmark set, term and risk profile.
- Generate a risk profile rating and related asset allocation.
Our risk suitability APIs include:
- Portfolio Asset Allocation
- Risk Asset Allocation
- Risk Questionnaire Profiler
Our risk profiler is based on the results of our risk profiling questionnaires which in 2023 covered 25% of the (UK) market.
View our API brochures below to find out more
People are looking for financial tools – now you can build them
Many UK adults don’t hold pensions (36%) or investments (59%) - and 72% of people aged 18-34 say they would like help working out how best to improve their finances. Your tools might make all the difference.
If you want to find out more...
Download Our API Brochures and see the full range of our APIs
We work with some of the industry's most trusted names including
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Booking a personalised demo is best to see the APIs in action that are relevant to you, your journey, and your business needs. It lets us answer any questions and get to know you and your requirements.
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We get that your time is precious, and we respect that. So, to ensure your valuable time is put to the best use, we're ready to tailor our demo to showcase exactly how our APIs align with your unique needs.
Why EV?
With over two decades of API experience, we’ve been at the forefront of delivering bespoke solutions to a range of financial institutions.
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